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Security for Everyone

Owners of businesses big and small deserve the ability to secure their online environment. We deliver personalized and cost effective cyber hygiene assessments with risk-oriented solutions. A veteran-owned company with West Virginia roots, we can serve businesses across the country and internationally with both virtual and onsite services.

Why you need ACS

What is ransomware?

Ransomware is one of the most common tools utilized by hackers to take advantage of businesses small and large. 

If an organization falls victim to ransomware, they are faced with either paying the hacker or losing their data.  The consequences can be costly, both from financial and productivity standpoints.

What does ransomware mean for you?

Even if you can afford to pay the ransom, there is no guarantee that the hackers will unlock your systems. Once unlocked, there will still be substantial costs involved in cleaning the systems and removing the malware. 

Small businesses are a target

70% of ransomware attacks targeted small businesses, with an average ransom demand of $116,000 in 2018.

ACS will help you avoid this scenario by working side by side with you to protect your business from cyber threats.

We perform risk assessments on your existing data infrastructure and guide solutions. Our remediations are risk oriented and cost conscious. 


What ACS can do for you

01 / Cyber Hygiene Assessments
02 / Remediation 
03 / Consultation

Cyber Hygiene Assessments provide a picture of your company's security posture. These assessments are based on industry best practices and can be performed remotely as well as in-person. 

ACS will provide cost effective and risk-focused remediations based on the results of the Cyber Hygiene Assessment. 

ACS can provide continued consultation services to benchmark your progress, as well as continuing education and support.




Appalachian Cyber Security is a veteran owned and operated company. Our founders have extensive DoD, DHS, and corporate experience. We have helped to secure organizations large and small.


At ACS, we understand the importance of cyber security and believe that security is for everyone, regardless of business size. Every business deserves the opportunity to be protected from cyber threats.


ACS uses a risk-driven assessment process we call Cyber Hygiene Assessments. These assessments are based on industry best standards and tailored for your business needs. Cyber Hygiene Assessments are designed to reduce risk to your organization.



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